Happy Cancer Season!
June 20th – July 22nd, 2024
The Sun is now in Cancer! Cancer energy encourages us to open our hearts, embrace our emotions, and heal. By connecting deeply with our feelings and sensitivities, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. This self-awareness provides us with a sense of security and inner guidance in our lives.
The Sun entered Cancer on June 20th, 2024, while the Moon was completing its transit through Sagittarius. This season is ideal for exploring our inner world and pursuing what our hearts truly desire with faith and a spirit of adventure.
Full Moon in Capricorn
One day after the Sun entered Cancer, it opposed the Moon in Capricorn, illuminating and bringing awareness to our emotions. Full Moons bring us clarity and invite us to balance our head with our heart.
With the significant Cancer energy (Sun, Mercury, and Venus), we may find ourselves reflecting on our emotions and past relationships. We might have conversations and realizations about topics such as codependency and how to become more responsible.
Neptune’s influence challenges us to discern our blind spots, while the Cancer energy can help us recharge emotionally. It is important that we practice self-care and be gentle with ourselves.
Cancer & Capricorn Axis
Cancer is the sign of the healer within you, wanting to nurture and care. Capricorn is your responsible adult, pushing you toward greatness. Cancer energy also represents the feeling of home, the mother and the child, and what is familiar to you. Capricorn energy is committed, structured, and self-disciplined, helping us to create in the material world with integrity.
The Full Moon in Capricorn may inspire us to make plans and work hard. However, with the Sun in Cancer, we want to be gentle with ourselves and accept our feelings. We are invited to balance our Cancer and Capricorn energies.
This Full Moon is about finding balance between feeling at home within ourselves and our sense of responsibility to create something and leave a legacy. It is about reaching an agreement between our inner child and our responsible adult. By taking care of our emotions, we find peace within ourselves, we become emotionally stable and responsible adults.
You can be successful in everything you undertake by finding a healthy balance between your inner child and your inner responsible adult. Commitment, self-discipline, inner peace, intuition, and self-care are key energies activated with this Full Moon.
Think about how you can nurture yourself in a responsible way and how you can connect with your personal power through emotional regulation.
Ask yourself every day,
How am I feeling right now?
Am I taking care of myself?
How am I allowing myself to express my emotions?
What are the things that make me feel safe and at peace?
Are my goals aligned with who I am?
What am I doing today to support my goals?
Love & Peace!