Full Moon in Pisces

Happy Full Moon in Pisces @ 7.25 on August 30, 2023

Full Moons are Oppositions
The Moon in Pisces is opposite the Sun in Virgo. Full Moons bring clarity and understanding. The Moon, our emotions, are illuminated by the Sun’s light and energy.
This coming Full Moon in Pisces brings into illumination topics we have been working on for the past 6 months ago when the New Moon was in Pisces. Those topics may have been some wishes or resolutions we had around that time of the New Moon in Pisces.
This time of illumination is also helpful to review any resolutions we made a couple of weeks ago under the Leo New Moon, we can expect insights and more ideas on how to keep working on those wishes inspired by the New Moon in Leo and the New Venus in Leo too!
Remember to walk your talk, and to live your intentions every single day!

Since Full Moons are oppositions, which represent one facing the other, like one holding a mirror to another, it is an opportunity to understand something about ourselves, and to find some common ground about something.   Full Moons are periods of culmination that help us to make changes, we may decide to end something, to upgrade, or to move into the next stage.

Virgo and Pisces Axis
The Full Moon in Pisces is here to help us reach that balance and harmony that the Virgo Pisces Axis requires. Our Piscean side needs the backbone structure of Virgo to bring our spiritual nature into service in our tangible world. Our Virgo nature needs to have self-compassion and faith to bring those projects into manifestation.
It can be helpful to fully embrace the energies available right now, to ask ourselves:
– Where in your life you are being perfectionists an/or extra detail oriented that we disconnect from your inspired self?
– What areas of our life do we tend to be “without limits” that our energy is not being used wisely?

Grounding Dreams with the Pisces Full Moon
There is special emphasis on grounding energies in the Piscean area of our life, with Saturn included in this Pisces Full Moon. Let’s remember Saturn was also part of the configuration of the Pisces New Moon back in February.
Saturn the Lord of karma, the teacher of the zodiac, the energy of integrity, discipline, and responsibility, has been teaching us some lessons while in Pisces all of these months.

Saturn in Pisces and your Great Work
With Saturn in Pisces, at first it might have felt as if someone stopped the magical background music, or you may have felt stuck inside, then the need to go up to your attic full of dreams and treasured plans to do a massive clean-up!

Saturn in Pisces acts as your inner adult who helps you get rid of your rose-colored glasses, and then sits with you with its his parental and caring role to explain why each one of those dreams are worth following, which ones will require more time and effort, and which ones you should really reconsider. Sitting with Saturn is not an easy task but once you understand the richness and depth of Saturnian Great Work of Love, it gives you assurance, confidence, and a clear view of the mountain you want to climb.

Saturn in Pisces helps you to not only dream your dreams but also to work them. It helps you to realize where in your life you tend to see things with rose-colored eyeglasses and idealize. It helps you to redefine those projects with a more realistic approach, so you can achieve them. Saturn has the ability to detect areas where we are leaving stuff undefined or undone, and where our energy is being wasted.

Saturn brings limits and restrictions but, in the end, it is all for achieving greatness, and in Pisces, Saturn wants to ensure you make your dreams happen but through balancing our dreams and aspirations with work and discipline.

This Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn
Take advantage of this Pisces Full Moon energies along with Saturn, and Mercury Rx to connect with your sense of responsibility, and through discernment renew your sense of direction and purpose.

This Full Moon can also help us connect with that process of honest and compassionate self-analysis to figure out what are the things that work for us and find a balance between our needs of perfection with our needs to trust a higher power and enjoy life.

With Saturn conjunct the Moon, our needs of nurturing feel stable and grounded. It is an opportunity to establish healthy limits that will allow us to better understand ourselves and our needs. There is a sense of maturity, and our inner mature self emerges. We may find ourselves realizing that a true change comes from within, that we can take the wheel of our life with faith.

Mercury the messenger of the Gods, is retrograde which makes this Full Moon process somehow inward, we are getting lots of insights and analyzing things from different perspectives. Take some time to pause and meditate for clarity.
As you connect with your inner wisdom you may be more ready to make changes, speak your mind and express your insights once Mercury meets the Sun on September 6th.

Reflection Questions:
How can I be my own responsible adult?
Am I consistent with my self-care?
How can I take care of myself, my routines and all things pending in a healthy way?
How can I put healthy boundaries in my life?
How can I work on my dreams?
Are my spiritual practices helping me connect with the present moment?
Have I been practicing self-compassion about my own processes?
What activities are keeping me distracted from focusing on my goals?

Many Blessing!





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