Virgo New Moon – Virgo Energies

Happy Virgo New Moon 2023!

9-14-23 New Moon in Virgo @ 21º 58 minutes.

This Virgo New Moon connects us with grounding and purifying energies.  The New Moon along with an earth grand trine brings opportunities of transformation, freedom, and authenticity as we set the stage to manifest something new to our life.  We have done a transformative work, and we want to innovate and actualize to create something unique for us that will require efficiency, critical thinking, careful attention, and purity of intent.

With Mercury stations direct, and Neptune’s fog Rx, it helps to be patient with delays and paying attention to what we are committing to, or to false expectations.

Virgo Energy

Virgo, as the sixth sign of the zodiac, basically holds us together as a backbone.
Virgo, a mutable earth energy, wants to contribute, and be at service.  It is about being adaptable to changes, growing as we integrate our mission and values with our bigger purpose.  Virgo is that part of us that is always striving to improve, so we keep polishing our skills, taking care of the details, and establishing structured routines. Virgo energy does the discerning and refining so that things get done as planned.

Think about how our life is made of those details and routines. We are what we do every day, so what we actually do every day matters, and Virgo wants to do a work that matters.

Pause and reflect on how you live your life every day.

Notice and appreciate those things you do each day that make a difference in your life.

Connect your daily routines with your intentions and goals.

What do you do every day that aligns you to what you are trying to manifest?

Commit yourself to living your intentions each day!

Many blessings!



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